A chronicle of my journey through the places where culture, nature and spirit intersect in a transformative way… As a woman in the San Francisco Bay Area who strives to live an authentic life on a “culturally creative” path, here are my observations about things in the “culture nature spirit” realm that are inspiring and thought-provoking.
My background as a writer, singer and concert producer for Bread & Roses propels me to put forward the positive aspects of culture that I am blessed to witness in the Bay Area and beyond. I start from where I live in Northern California, for I am first and foremost a traveler in my own backyard. When I am lucky enough to travel farther afield, my reach extends to other lands as well. By sharing more stories about the positive ways that cultural experience changes our lives. i hope that we will all see each other, as neighbors and nations, in a more humanistic way.
-Marian Hubler, 2012
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